Primitive Skateboarding x 2Pac Release Party Recap

Last Saturday, Primitive Shoes was host to the worldwide release and celebration of the Primitive Skateboarding X 2Pac collaboration deck. Never before in skateboarding has an officially licensed Tupac Shakur product been made. That’s right, anything else you have ever seen ain’t as legit as this deck!

DJ Everede was there keepin’ the music bumpin’. Ruby’s Badass Burgers was there keeping the burgers flippin’. P-Rod and Nick Tucker stopped by to rep Primitive Skate and hang with the kids. Most importantly, the legendary Tupac himself was there in spirit, thanks to all his fans that keep his memory alive daily, ourselves included. The Primitive Skateboarding X 2Pac deck is available now. It comes in 8.0” or 8.25” and includes a free, hologram 2Pac sticker. It will be hitting shops worldwide beginning in November!




Thanks for coming DJ Everede!


One isn't enough ...


Primitive founders and all around killer dudes, P-Rod and Andy Netkin!


Just a sampling of the beautiful ladies of Primitive … @rachel_wever, @nickynewcastle, @a_marieee


Thanks to everyone who came out, even though they all didn’t stay for the photo ;)